A Minimalist Family Christmas is a 40-page guide designed to help you simplify your holiday season whether you are a minimalist or not. One of the most challenging areas to deal with on a journey to living with less is how to handle Christmas. The goal of a minimalist Christmas is to keep the meaning of the holidays without sacrificing your sanity, your finances, or your priorities.
This guide covers the topics of gift giving, minimalist decorating, simple family traditions, and more. It won’t tell you to just quit spending money and stop giving gifts to people. It will challenge you to rethink things and go into this holiday season with renewed focus.
A Minimalist Family Christmas includes the topics of:
- The “Why” Behind a Minimalist Christmas
- Confessions from a Gift Buying Minimalist
- Christmas Gift Survey
- Minimalist Christmas Gift Ideas
- Alternatives to Christmas Cards
- Escaping Gift Overload
- Clear the Pre-Christmas Toy Clutter
- Minimize Your Busy Holiday Calendar
- Simplifying Holiday Mealtime
- Christmas Decorating
- Simplify Your Family Traditions
- Recovering from Post Holiday Clutter
Purchase Info — $0.99
A Minimalist Family Christmas is available for $0.99 via PDF by clicking “add to cart” button below:
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- Kindle (Amazon)
- Epub (other e-readers)
If you don’t own a Kindle, you can also purchase the Kindle version of A Minimalist Family Christmas and read it using the Kindle Reader App on your iPad, iPhone, Android, PC, or other device.
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